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Trappings of Corporate Socialization

Corporations are powerful, useful and fascinating inventions full of the trappings of humans and are the embodiment of some of the tensions of what it is to be a person. They can be safe. They can be ruthless. Some people bristle at the thought of a cube farm and I think some people prefer the safety of a corporate environment.

Purposeful Use Of Space.

As part of my work on the blueprint I realized I was being so aware of my use of time and resources but nearly oblivious to my use of space. Space is the most fundamental resource. And about as abundant as time! If you've started a project, opened a business, built a factory what is the first thing you do? You clear off space, buy land, lease floor space. Then what do you do? You organize that space. You split up and carve up that space by function and need. You arrange these chunks so they connect in a contiguous, smooth way that flows and conforms to your particular needs.

Blueprint for Success.

What would it take to have total agency over one's life? Total awareness, total focus, always there at the tip of your fingertips and the tip of your tongue?

What are the foundations, that once laid, unlock and enable a person to have the biggest impact on humanity, to maximize their potential?

Ego vs Ambition.

I was thinking about purpose and amibition and how, on the outside, that could look a lot like ego. And I realized that ego is just drive without a purpose. It's an obsession with yourself. And it can be easy to fall into that trap. But I think that if we stay focused on our goals, on our purpose whatever that may be, and to remember to help others rather than help ourselves we can avoid being an egotistical person. And also, that a strong sense of self and belief in yourself and your mission are not bad things.

Towards an Architectonic for 2022

An attempt to articulate, organize and integration a comprehensive belief system.


Proper Headgame to Stay Focused.

Proper mindset routine for maximum success.

Efficiency Is Like Cooking BBQ

I find the obsession over efficiency to be a bit confusing.

Russian Doll House.

Maslow's hierarchy is really interesting, it kind of lists out the tools you need to maximize your health and your life.

But it is a pyramid and it has this built in assumption that you're starting from a blank slate.

What if you aren't starting from a blank slate?


Spans of Time

Thinking is often so short sighted. How do we think longer term?

What I have been experimenting with is pausing once or twice a day, or when I'm between things to reflect on where I'm at.

I try to consider perspective on different time scales, to formulate my decision making around longer scales of time.

For example:

Architectonic 2019

I wrote the original architectonic to structure and order the entirety of my philosophical beliefs and to some extent sense of self and person.

There is also have a grander goal of structuring and ordering the entirety of philosophical thought by encapsulating every thought concept into an outline. An architectonic. I hope I can accomplish this with total clarity.



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