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Efficiency Is Like Cooking BBQ

I find the obsession over efficiency to be a bit confusing. It's an obsession at all costs. "It doesn't matter, just be more efficient."

I used to subscribe to that ideology but I finally realized that at some point as you make your thing more efficient, it just stop being enjoyable. It's in the office doing more work faster. Or organizing your morning to squeeze one more chore in, or subscribing to some ridiculous way of studying to learn a little faster.

It's like making BBQ. When you put it in the grill it's raw. It's useless. That's like not starting or doing nothing at all. If you eat raw BBQ you're going to regret it.

But as it cooks you eventually reach a place where your meat is done. It's cooked just right, correct temp, it's juicy, it's ready to go.

But if you keep cooking, it dries out, it may burn, it will get tough and it will stop being good or useful as a meal.

And that's like being efficient. You can cook something forever, but the idea is to hit the sweet spot between efficiency and quality of life because efficiency should be an input to your life, not the driving factor.

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