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Science & Technology

Can You Cast Granite?

If granite can melt (it can it becomes magma) [1], then can it be cast or blown like glass?

Forensics at (Cosmic) Scale

The advancements in archeological forensics has made some really impressive progress lately. Here are some notes based on the large amount of talks, NOVA episodes and various documentaries I've watched this year. But first two points:

Data Science Map.

A work towards organizing and mapping out the toolset needed for my career and various projects. The focus this year has been filling in gaps around dataviz and significantly augmenting my data modeling skills. Some work left there around network and dynamic systems. Decision modeling is a new concept to me and needs maturity.

Network Maps Analysis

I was interested in a genealogy of music genres using Wikipedia as a reference. I had some success, no doubt more to learn.

Life On Other Planets

I watched a documentary on the prospects of life on other planets. There was a lot of discussion about what are the necessary conditions for life. At first I was skeptical but after some thought I think I largely agree.

I took some notes during the video:

Stable System

  • Stable star (i.e. no large bursts/castoffs)
  • Stable and somewhat slow orbit
  • Post bombardment

Comfortable Environment

A New Web Data Management Strategy

It occurred to me that if I have a tool to manage tracking and another for invasive ads, then why can't I have even more tools to augment what I already have to provide a safer, more productive experience. I tried to establish what tools are necessary and whether or not they currently exist. I did my best to arrange them in a hierarchy.

Video Storage Array

In a couple years I would like to build out a storage array for a hifi video installation. There are three primary goals:

  • Capacity: I would like to store 200 bluray movies, overmargined by 50%.
  • Performance: It must be able to stream unencrypted and remuxed 4k bluray content
  • Cost: In the age of Netflix, it makes sense that this should be dead cheap.

200 discs, overprovisioned by 50% is 300 movies.

Photography Process (Flow)

I put this map together of all the decisions to be made when setting up a shot:

It includes setting the scene, choosing the optics, proper exposure, shutter release and post-processing.

Data Science Tool Comparison

I have several new goals in my professional life:

  • increase my productivity substantially
  • communicate my points powerfully and clearly
  • increase the quality of my work through insight

The only way to do this is to a) significantly increase the amount of calculations and b) automate detection and presentation of that data. To do this I need data science tools that are flexible, scalable and fast to use.

So I ran a comparison of everything that is relevant to my work and these are the flows I came up with:

Is The Path To General AI Clear?

A lot of progress has been made in AI lately. Any application that could benefit from automation or benefits from increasing the amount of data you can process has had some kind of AI attached to it. Because automation requires intelligence to work discussion about robots involves AI as well. Automotive, finance, internet searches, music channels, advertising and product suggestions, news sites, lots of business apps that require decision making, etc.


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