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Thought & Mind

Blueprint for Success.

What would it take to have total agency over one's life? Total awareness, total focus, always there at the tip of your fingertips and the tip of your tongue?

What are the foundations, that once laid, unlock and enable a person to have the biggest impact on humanity, to maximize their potential?

Proper Headgame to Stay Focused.

Proper mindset routine for maximum success.

Efficiency Is Like Cooking BBQ

I find the obsession over efficiency to be a bit confusing.

Strategies For Thinking And Reasoning

Compiling a list of methods for problem solving and of thinking of all types.

Hierarchy of Integrity

I've been thinking a lot lately about health, safety and security. I think originally I was interested in studying ideas around the environment and the environment's impact on me and also my impact on the environment. My focus here was on capturing all the possible bad things that can happen and then how to mitigate, detect and prevent them. But unexpectedly I found that it also tied in with another hot topic for me lately: respect and integrity.

Big Bang Reality Check.

I was reflecting on some recent ideas about the "human centric" understanding of our universe. Our minds and bodies are naturally designed to work within a certain size of objects, quantities, spaces and within human perception. And for everything outside that space we scale things to fit our understanding.


An actionable definition of self-respect is sorely missing from the general public, academic and religious literature, philosophy, everywhere. By this I mean a useful understanding of what self-respect is, how it can be obtained and the positive consequences and advantage of having it. In addition literature often confuses self-esteem and self-respect without properly distinguishing between the two.

Architectonic for Healthy Living

Thinking about happiness (or lack thereof). I finally understood that happiness is a mood. You can't "do" happiness anymore than you can "do" pissed off or envious. They're moods that are products of your action or circumstances.

So I've jotted down the beginnings of my own personal architectonic.

Updated: Apr/14/2016
Updated: Apr/03/2016
Updated: Feb/25/2016
Original: Aug/02/2014
Original link here.


To the lay person, confidence is often defined as "believing in yourself". Beyond that definition most (including myself) cannot provide much more detail. Words like "esteem" or "capable" come to mind but if I were to ask myself what are the characteristics of confidence, how to measure them and how to acquire them if you do not have them I would be at a loss. Furthermore, the subjective experience must be considered as much as the objective. What is it like to be confident? To experience confidence?

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