Target: gain 0.5lb muscle per week
calories 2500-2900 (est) protein [EAA,NEAA] leucine 3g per meal overall 165g per day (1g/lb) fat [unsat,sat,DHA/omega3,linoleic/omega6,cholesterol] 61g per day <10% saturated carbs [starch,sugar] 410g per day water >3L (12cups) per day fiber >40g per day soluble insoluble
vitamins fat (A,D,E,K) water (B*,C,Choline) minerals macro micro electrolytes
creatine antioxidants phytonutrients adaptogens/anti-inflammatories multi-vitamin pro/prebiotics
veg: 4 cups eq / day dark green: 2.5 cups eq / week red/organge: 7.5 cups eq / week beans/peas/lent:3.0 cups eq / week starch: 8.0 cups eq / week other: 7.0 cups eq / week fruit: 2.5 cups eq / day grain: 10oz eq / day dairy: 3 cup eq / day protein:7 oz eq / day meat/poulty/eggs: 33 oz eq / week seafood: 10 oz eq / week nuts/seeds: 6 oz eq / week oil: 44 g eq / day
cover everything in this list on a weekly basis Pollan's Food Rules eat whole foods, not processed mostly plants, very diverse not too much, and high quality plant diversity eat the rainbow 30 plant points [vegetables,fruits,wholegrains,beans/peas/lentils] alcohol is rare macro balance moderate glycemic loading (avoid processed foods and sugar) pair carbs/high GI foods with low GI foods (see meal timing) align to my body and my lifestyle Blue Zone diets specific must haves red/orange/yellow veg daily fish once weekly lentils/beans daily chile pepper daily leafy greens daily (the darker the better) cruciferous weekly berries weekly cinammon weekly citrus daily nuts/seeds daily fermented food daily eggs daily
scheduling meals; be consistent; front-loading why are you eating: is it actually for nutrition/energy? pay attention to body queues ie practice mindful eating eat slowly; stop when you are full
eat organic; reduce toxin exposure animal treatment environmental sustainability social ethics (farmers and farm workers)