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Society & Politics

Resecuring Democracy

I think democracy is losing ground in America. I'm not very optimistic about the prospects because it was imperfect to begin with and the last couple years it has lost some ground. Some of these seem out of reach altogether.

Moments of Weakness

It can be tough for a man to change his mind once he speaks. But not his thoughts. But isn't a journal a place for thoughts? A journal should be the only place a man can state something only to change his mind later.

But look at the Mark Twain journals. He poured his heart out (to the shock of readers) and it's cast him in a different light. Like we never knew the real Mark Twain. It's assumed that the things he wrote he believed for all time. He hasn't given the opportunity for growth, fleeting feelings, etc.

Science of relationships Part II

Pondering science of people again. What are the building blocks of relationships? What are the fundamental concepts of communication? Then it occurred to me that the relationship between politics, interpersonal relationships and all possible communications can be described simply as below:

Little World

I wonder what it was like to be alive hundreds of years ago, without phone, internet, news. When the only thing you knew was in a ten mile circle around you, the city you live in and the micro-society that lied therein. But also there were no maps and everyone else was just like you: they knew only the world they grew up in and nothing of yours.

Your little world would have been so unique and special. And so precious knowing every little thing about your corner of the universe.

Pope's Encyclical for 2016

I have found it quite a challenge while shopping to choose products that are ethical, healthy and sustainable. For one, it's hard to remember everything and second the information is not always available. I can improve the second by picking places to shop that list this type of information and hopefully this entry will help me wrap my head around the first.

The Pope's Encyclical Letter

The Pope was released an ENCYCLICAL LETTER to the public regarding the document. It's generated a lot of press coverage and I find myself quite moved by it. The language is beautiful and the arguments are quite sound. I have yet to read the full version (saving for my next long flight) but I jotted down some notes.

Fragmentation of Our Country

I've noticed a new type grass roots organization lately. Across all levels of government and in communities a very distinct type of activism.

For example:

  • Legalizing the sale of marijuana when it is still a federal offense.
  • States that refuse to implement Obamacare.
  • States that refuse to accept gay marriage is protected by law.
  • A religious group rallies to vote members of their church into the school board and effectively control it.
  • Developing a community money pool to ignore some minor laws.


There is no question that female agency is legitimate. I believe both genders are equally capable and I believe that should be protected by law.

Connection Gap

How do you connect with people if you aren't already connecting with people? What I mean is… when you're inexperienced, out of practice and probably a bit out of touch how do you find people willing to connect with you?

SciFi Musing #2: AI vs human genome

Fully conscious, self-aware, complex and possibly even immature electro-mechanical machines are just one more step (and probably not even the last) in what is a long series of developments that started with the invention of computers (arguably earlier if you consider hunting dogs and the like). It started with basic stuff like calculators. Smart homes, cars and phones are automating our lives. It's a matter of time before these machines learn and build their own knowledge systems. And it's just a matter of time before one of them becomes self-aware.


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