Presumption of Positive Intent.

I have noticed, at least around here, that there is a strong tendency to regard a person's actions always in a negative light. That is to say, that in a situation where context has not been provided then second parties always conclude that the behavior must source from a desire for personal gain or ill intent.

Towards an Architectonic for 2022

I wrote the original architectonic to provide some organization and structure to my philosophical beliefs and the amount of concepts and material I had been imbibing at the time. A much improved and updated (but also incomplete) version exists here.


A Cynical Career Guide.

I think sometimes we get an image like this is the way it is, but choose to live life without limits.


Long Term Completed Projects.

A list of long term projects I've completed over the years.

There are many, many more that are still in progress.

Life Planning:
- Create finances/retirement platform
- Create life plan
- Reach 1st and 2nd FIRE goal
- Pay off truck
- Pay off car

Career and Craft:
- High School Diploma
- Bachelors Electrical Engineering
- Study engineering (post graduation) (Version 1)

- Study philosophy (Version 1)
- Study genetics and evolution
- Study anthropology

Electrical Engineering Study Topics

Electrical Engineering Study Topics:

Proper Headgame to Stay Focused.

Proper mindset routine for maximum success.

My Various Interests In History.

  • Prehistory, anthropology, early humankind
  • Science/Physics Development
  • Food
  • Art/Literature/Film inc the technological developments
  • Color and its use
  • Paleontology, inc Human
  • Cosmos and Space Discovery

Brian Eno's "Music for Installations"

The box set comes with a 60 page booklet containing many thoughts Eno has on music and the music he's created over the years.

His insights on music and thought and challenging the notion of what music is and is for, often with implied aspects of music not always spoken about, generated some thoughts of my own and I wanted to jot them down.


Can You Cast Granite?

If granite can melt (it can it becomes magma) [1], then can it be cast or blown like glass?

Efficiency Is Like Cooking BBQ

I find the obsession over efficiency to be a bit confusing. It's an obsession at all costs. "It doesn't matter, just be more efficient."

I used to subscribe to that ideology but I finally realized that at some point as you make your thing more efficient, it just stop being enjoyable. It's in the office doing more work faster. Or organizing your morning to squeeze one more chore in, or subscribing to some ridiculous way of studying to learn a little faster.


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