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A New Web Data Management Strategy

It occurred to me that if I have a tool to manage tracking and another for invasive ads, then why can't I have even more tools to augment what I already have to provide a safer, more productive experience. I tried to establish what tools are necessary and whether or not they currently exist. I did my best to arrange them in a hierarchy.

Number Protection Type What Problem Does It Solve? Notes
1 Privacy (Without) Encryption protection from snoopers and unwanted third parties
2 Privacy (Within) Tracking protection from espionage or abusive commercial practices
3 Authorization Access data is open and available
4 Integrity Hashing data sent is data received
5 Curation Relevance content is useful for a specific consumer
6 Authority Reputation content is from trusted sources
7 Accuracy Filtering warn on fake news and rated on accuracy
8 Quality Rating content is rated as engaging

Updated: November 23, 2021

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