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Metaphysics & Ontology

Purposeful Use Of Space.

As part of my work on the blueprint I realized I was being so aware of my use of time and resources but nearly oblivious to my use of space. Space is the most fundamental resource. And about as abundant as time! If you've started a project, opened a business, built a factory what is the first thing you do? You clear off space, buy land, lease floor space. Then what do you do? You organize that space. You split up and carve up that space by function and need. You arrange these chunks so they connect in a contiguous, smooth way that flows and conforms to your particular needs.

Efficiency Is Like Cooking BBQ

I find the obsession over efficiency to be a bit confusing.

Big Bang Reality Check.

I was reflecting on some recent ideas about the "human centric" understanding of our universe. Our minds and bodies are naturally designed to work within a certain size of objects, quantities, spaces and within human perception. And for everything outside that space we scale things to fit our understanding.

Architectonic for Healthy Living

Thinking about happiness (or lack thereof). I finally understood that happiness is a mood. You can't "do" happiness anymore than you can "do" pissed off or envious. They're moods that are products of your action or circumstances.

So I've jotted down the beginnings of my own personal architectonic.

Updated: Apr/14/2016
Updated: Apr/03/2016
Updated: Feb/25/2016
Original: Aug/02/2014
Original link here.

Bits and Pieces for an Architechtonic

Jotting down some notes.

Metaphysics. Standard stuff. Objective description of the universe. Objects, reality, truth, epistemology and free will. Bridge to science. I consider this the "outside in" approach and it ended with Nietzsche during the Romantic period.

Ontology of Ontologies

Over the years of my reading philosophy I've always kept a basic "epistemology of philosophical knowledge" in my head as a way to organize all knowledge. But several difficulties arise:

  1. Is it comprehensive, covering all philosophical knowledge?
  2. Does it cover all knowledge? If not does it provide hooks to provide or expose a way to organize all knowledge?
  3. Is it authoritative or just bull? I just made it up to track everything I've learned.
  4. Is it useful or functional?

A Proposal For A Determinism That Is Compatible With Free Will

I've always thought that the world is strictly deterministic and causal. Study physics for ten minutes and it just seems so obvious that for every 'thing' that exists there is a physical counterpart. All the particles in the universe, our thoughts in our brains and if there is a god then it too would have a physical component.

Fragments, Existential

I haven't posted much lately, mostly because I've been busy but also because I've been reading existentialist text and it has completely flipped my understanding of the world on its head. It's as if all of creation was obsessed with the person from the Universe's point of view until Kierkegaard came along and asked what the world was from the Person's point of view. Nevertheless I decided to write down a few thoughts that have been rolling around in my head for some months.

On "What is Your Religion"?

Generally speaking, I find discussion of religion dull and boring. It has to be one of the most unproductive topics when it comes to debate, as a conversion from one belief system to another is rare.

Identity Theory

My philosophical studies have finally taken me to their final leg of the journey: the psychological turn. I have spent years understanding the nuances of metaphysics, logic, society and ethics. I have now reached a point where I feel that my understanding of the universe and of people can help me understand myself and to reach of ultimate goal of being happy and content with my own life.


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