Architectonic 2019

I wrote the original architectonic to structure and order the entirety of my philosophical beliefs and to some extent sense of self and person.

There is also have a grander goal of structuring and ordering the entirety of philosophical thought by encapsulating every thought concept into an outline. An architectonic. I hope I can accomplish this with total clarity.


World Sustainability Plan

Moved by the Pope's Encyclical a few years ago, I've established my own sustainability plan. I've also been inspired recently by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development's 17 Sustainable Development Goals so much that I've decided to rewrite my sustainability plan in context of those goals.

SciFi Musing #4: Competition Between Nation States Will Result In Genetic Tyranny

A Chinese scientist recently announced that he had genetically modified two embryos, implanted them and gave birth to two healthy babies. The scientist has apparently used CRISPR to make them immune to HIV. Whether or not this is true someday it will be true.

This government is quite authoritative and imposes great control over its people. They have virtually no rights, no privacy and no ownership of property or land. But this article is not about that.

Video Storage Array

In a couple years I would like to build out a storage array for a hifi video installation. There are three primary goals:

  • Capacity: I would like to store 200 bluray movies, overmargined by 50%.
  • Performance: It must be able to stream unencrypted and remuxed 4k bluray content
  • Cost: In the age of Netflix, it makes sense that this should be dead cheap.

200 discs, overprovisioned by 50% is 300 movies.

Is Irrational Behavior An Adaptation?

One line of thought: level headed, cool people make better decisions leading to long term success over those who don't.

Second line of thought: irrational hot headedness leads to bonking your enemies on the head leading to long term success over those who don't.

Interesting. If the latter were true then a humankind with high running emotions, naturally irrational, tribal and hot headed behavior would be a genetically, possibly sexually, selected adaptation.

More aesthetical questions

In my previous writing, the focus was on experience and was more existential. Here I continue the work this time I am more inspired by two things. Once is epistemology and the other is Andy Warhol.

Photography Process (Flow)

I put this map together of all the decisions to be made when setting up a shot:

It includes setting the scene, choosing the optics, proper exposure, shutter release and post-processing.

Camera Block Diagram

How modular can you make a camera?

I sketched out the block diagram of a camera:

On a DSLR/mirrorless, the items in green can be made modular (in a studio environment at least) with add-ons or attachments or software.

Duolingo thoughts

Baseline core functionality for a language learning app:


How I Spend Every Day

I lead a pretty structured life. You'd think all that discipline would be productive but I am currently debugging why most of my goals for 2018 are unfinished.

Besides eating, sleeping, working and traveling (for which I reserve 2+8+8+2=20hrs) this is how I spend part of every day:



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