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History & Anthropology

My Various Interests In History.

Various aspects of history to consider.

Forensics at (Cosmic) Scale

The advancements in archeological forensics has made some really impressive progress lately. Here are some notes based on the large amount of talks, NOVA episodes and various documentaries I've watched this year. But first two points:

Is Irrational Behavior An Adaptation?

One line of thought: level headed, cool people make better decisions leading to long term success over those who don't.

Second line of thought: irrational hot headedness leads to bonking your enemies on the head leading to long term success over those who don't.

Interesting. If the latter were true then a humankind with high running emotions, naturally irrational, tribal and hot headed behavior would be a genetically, possibly sexually, selected adaptation.

Little World

I wonder what it was like to be alive hundreds of years ago, without phone, internet, news. When the only thing you knew was in a ten mile circle around you, the city you live in and the micro-society that lied therein. But also there were no maps and everyone else was just like you: they knew only the world they grew up in and nothing of yours.

Your little world would have been so unique and special. And so precious knowing every little thing about your corner of the universe.

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