I learned a lot in my first experience in a leadership role. This list, by no means exhaustive, are the learnings I took away from the experience:
- Set a standard and then follow it.
- Build trust. Inspire loyalty.
- Foster an open, safe environment for interaction and teamwork.
- Create alignment and agreement.
- Develop people under you. Get the best out of people.
- Reward people under you.
- Know the goals of the project. Clearly communicate the goals/priorities, schedules, etc.
- Know the timeline.
- Assess risk.
- Break things down into milestones. Know the components: people, resources, money.
- Delegate the project components to team members.
- Have a clear path of approval for signoffs of milestones.
- Provide adequate tools and resources to get the job done.
- Monitor and track progress.
- Be organized. Be able to react quickly.
- Drive issues to closure.
- Run successful meetings.
I would consider it an honor to continue operating in a leadership role. I learned a lot, I enjoyed the feeling of success, of helping others succeed and I admit the status and I'm sure I have a great deal to learn and I look forward to it.