CRISPR describes a mechanism that bacteria use as a defense mechanism against viruses. It involves incorporating a part of the virus DNA into their own DNA to use as a fingerprint to quickly identify a repeat invasion. It is also a method for coopting those genes for cutting in (or out) specific gene sequences in a cell. Any cell. I learned about it from Radiolab's latest broadcast and the power of this tool is mind blowing.
First, as the podcast states that (eventually, someday) it is hoped it will be used to treat cancer by targeting specific genetic defects in cancer cells. It can be used to treat chronic genetic diseases by knocking out the bad gene and replacing it with a correct gene. It can be used to "design in" disease resistance for plants and animals.
Those are the good things. But you can take it further. Much further. You can design farm animals and plants that taste better, grow faster. You can design novelty plants and animals. You could genetically engineer a better human.
Or you can destroy humanity. Like any technology this and other techniques can be used in nefarious ways. I'll give you a couple examples.
Mankind on the whole isn't mature enough to deal with the technology we already have. I always thought that scientific knowledge would bring maturity and peace with it. Educated mature adults don't usually try to murder people but educating the population is never 100% effective and right now it isn't even close. You can control the technology but only for so long. How do we control this?
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