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Everyone Should Be Agnostic.

Talk with anyone long enough about God, the universe, or the nature of existence and you'll eventually reach the same conclusion. No, it's not that God doesn't exist or that "he" does exist. It's that you have no way of knowing one way or the other. It's why faith is so important to anyones religious beliefs or other belief system.

Kant, a devout Christian, establishes as much in his "Critique of Pure Reason" along with a compatible, reasonable, and thorough explanation of fate, chance, thought, experience, and the existence of the Universe in general. It is a beautiful piece of work. The only problem is that he wrote in difficult prose (i.e. he's a bad writer) and with such scientific fervor that it takes serious dedication to study and understand it.

Kant describes that our perception of the universe is based on our experience. Our experience is that through the eyes of a human: you. The human mind is limited and thus our perception of the whole universe is filtered through our mind. Thus, when we study the universe we don't see it in its pure form, we get things like light waves, electrons, stars, and molecules, ad infinitum.

And that's why we can't prove that God exists or doesn't. You take it on faith. Just like the atheist takes the fact that God does not exist on faith. Ultimately, you come to the conclusion that if you cannot take something as fact then it is irrational to do so. So being a believer or an atheist are both irrational no matter how much they would like to believe.

Wikipedia defines agnosticism as "the philosophical view that the truth value of certain claims—particularly theological claims regarding metaphysics, afterlife or the existence of God, god(s), or deities—is unknown or (possibly) inherently unknowable." So, to tie this altogether, everyone is an agnostic, and it is notbad to do so because it doesn't conflict with anyones belief system.

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