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Strategies For Thinking And Reasoning

Compiling a list of methods for problem solving and of thinking of all types.

  • Forensics
    - Observation / Data Gathering / Measuring / Huge Datasets (for low SNR problems)
    - 5 W's (Who, What, Where, When, Why)
    - Retention (Memorize, Note Taking, etc)
    - Polling
  • Analytical
    - Definition
    - Logic / Argument / Debate
    - Categorization (into concepts or genera)
    - Mathematical Analysis
    - Statistical Analysis
    - Calculation (e.g. monte carlo)
    - Organization
    - Graphical Representation / Scaling / Geometric Analogy
    - Classification / Pattern Recognition / Identification
  • Evaluative
    - "Rules of Thumb"
    - Critical Thinking
    - Scientific Method
    - Aristotelian Scientific Method (observation->induction->definition->deduction->demonstrated knowledge)
    - Aristotelian Cause (material, formal, efficient, final)
    - Hypothesis Testing
    - Decision Trees / Squares (including 2x2 matrices)
    - Comparative
    - Counterfactual
    - Impact (Consequence) Analysis
    - Game Theory
    - Media Literacy
    - Rhetoric/Persuasion
  • Synthetic
    - Integration
    - Abstraction
    - Inference
    - Symbolism (i.e. story telling and myth)
    - Form vs Content (i.e. philosophical or big picture thinking)
    - Connotation vs Denotation
    - Complex vs Complicated
  • Generative
    - Ideation
    - Invention
    - Associate
  • Planning
    - Prioritization
    - Scoring
    - Scenario Forecasting (Monte Carlo)
    - Prediction (Estimators)
  • Decision Making
    - OODA Loop
    - Eisenhower Matrix
    - Tactics
    - Strategy
    - Skepticism
    - Understand
    - Judgment
    - Moral
    - Voting
  • Post-Decision Making
    - Reflection