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Architectonic 2019

I wrote the original architectonic to structure and order the entirety of my philosophical beliefs and to some extent sense of self and person.

There is also have a grander goal of structuring and ordering the entirety of philosophical thought by encapsulating every thought concept into an outline. An architectonic. I hope I can accomplish this with total clarity.

The primary changes for the 2019 architectonic are fleshing out Agency after a long stent of being in an unfinished state and further developing my thoughts on Care and Harmony.

Updated all throughout 2019 and 2020. During this time it has seen an almost complete rewrite.

  • Mind
    - Thought
    - Feeling
    - Imagination
  • Consciousness
    - Perception
    - Awareness
    - Knowledge
  • Being
    - Introspection
    - Personhood
    - Dasein (Being qua Being)
  • Will
    - Individual
    - Independent
    - Intentional
  • Resilience
    - Grit (Resolve)
    - Endurance (Inner-Strength)
    - Lemonade (Setbacks)
  • Authenticity
    - Congruence (Living What You Believe)
    - Transparency
    - Direct
  • Spirit
    - Vitality
    - Heart
    - Courage
  • Ability
    - Mastery
    - Imagination
    - Focus
  • Purpose
    - Life's Work
    - Service of Others
    - Self-Actualization
  • Integrity
    - Body
    - Mind
    - Environment
  • Duty
    - Discipline
    - Ownership
    - Boundaries
  • Equality
    - Human/Civil Rights
    - Legitimacy
    - Parity
  • Justice
    - Categorical Imperative
    - Dignity
    - Good
  • Temperance
    - Moderation
    - Self-Restraint
    - Adequate
  • Wisdom
    - Reason
    - Understanding
    - Judgment
  • Renew
    - Repair
    - Maintain
    - Clean
  • Transform
    - Change
    - Grow
    - Release
  • Transcend
    - Liberate
    - Divine
    - Sublime
  • Order
    - Heterogeneity
    - Coordination
    - Unity
  • Balance
    - Serenity (Calmed)
    - Tranquility (Centered)
    - Homeostasis (Stable)
  • Excellence (ie Philosophic End)
    - Complete
    - Consistent
    - Correct
  • Past
    - Forgiveness of Others
    - Forgiveness of Self
    - Acceptance
  • Future
    - Competition (Jealousy/Envy)
    - Uncertainty (Fear)
    - Acceptance (Anxiety)
  • Present
    - Impermanence
    - Presence
    - Stillness
Meta (Tools)
See Strategies For Thinking

This is as far as I've gotten. Other things to include:

  • Space-Time
    - Matter
    - Composition
    - Quantity
    - Vacuum
    - Space-Time
    - Continuity
    - Persistence
    - Flow
    - Causality
    - First Cause
    - Transmutation
    - Final Cause
  • Value Stuff
    - nichomacean concepts: Thriving and Flourishing
    - Self-Talk/Self Narrative/Self Story
    - Trust/Safety/Security
    - RELAXATION: how? and does it belong here somewhere?
    - Acknowledging What You Can Do Well
    - Approving of Yourself Regardless the circumstances
    - Balancing the ideal perfect self with the actual self, the obtainable
    - Gratitude
    - Hope
    - Presence
    - Confidence (both in skillset and self as object)
    - Sadness
    - Cheer
    - Wonder
    - Sublime
    - Care
    - Joy
    - Acceptance
    - Self-Esteem
    * self-respect
    + recognition: dignity, agency, individuality, equality
    + evaluative: standards, boundaries, appraisal
    * self-assuredness
    + personal identity: beliefs, values, boundaries
    + self-awareness: feelings, reasoning
    + self-trust: ability/credibility, strength, reliability (mind and body)
    - Self-Appraisal
    * moral worth
    + good
    + legitimacy
    * objective worth
    + value/utilitarian
    + aesthetic
    - Ego
    - Scientific Advancement (Superseded Scientific Knowledge)
    - Efficiency (Outdated Process and Tooling)
    - Old Habits (The Way We've Always Done Things)
  • Aesthetics
    - Art
    - History
    - Taste
    - Desire
    - Beauty
    - Narrative
    - Personal Brand
    - Reputation
    - Advertising / Symbolism
    - Passage of Time: day, season, year, life, family, civilization, geological, galactic
    - Rights of Passage / Demarcations of life events
  • Other selves; other minds
    - Treat others as ends not means
    - Develop Long Term Relationships
    - Empathy
    - Validation
    - Likability
    - Connection
    - Persuasion
    - Oratory, Speaking, Story Telling, Humor
    - Shared Human Condition
    - Friendliness
    - Live to help others, not yourself.
    - Benevolence
    - Honesty
    - Love
    - Friendship
    - Sexuality
    - Selfless-nes / Giving
    - The Greater Cause / Living Outside Yourself
    - Not Having Expectations of Things or People
    * Mercy
    + forgiveness
    + kindness
    + benevolence
    + generosity
  • Society
    - Service to others / charity / selflessness
    - Care, Hospitality
    - Relationship between government and society
    - Citizenship (Relationship between government and self)
    - Relationship between society and self
    - Also Family, other groups
    - Politics and Justice
    - Philosophy of Law
    - Teaching
    - Leading
  • What I Don't Know I Don't Know

I've created a map of the tree:


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