I've been thinking about some newer philosophical questions of late and I cannot seem to find literature about the subject. Part of the problem is that I lack the vernacular to know what to ask about or search for online. I could not be wrong but these are not narrow questions, they seem to be almost entirely neglected thus far. Perhaps even more interestingly I think they fall under aesthetics in a way that makes the entire historical catalog of material thin and superficial by merely posing these questions. I don't want to give zero credit to the philosophical community some articles seem to have a glimmer of what I'm thinking about and maybe with more research I will discover others who have wondered the same thing and perhaps made more progress in flushing out the subject and its consequences.
Much of this revolves around extending aesthetics beyond art into every day life. This applies both the subject and object. The objects of everyday life, particularly objects of utility. Some artists take particular glee in taking benign utilitarian objects and fixing them up until they are so beautiful you wouldn't think of using them for their original purpose. It makes you question their intended purpose and to wonder what is their function really. It's an old debate. On the flip side there is almost no material on the personal moment to moment of life, what that can or ought to feel like. We've laid the foundation with phenomenology and ontology. Both of which are more recent works. Perhaps it's just timing and that one thought leads to the next and my questions are really just the natural next step in the development of a complete and consistent line of thought.
So with a much broader focus, one that integrates aesthetics with other areas of thought (e.g. ontology, existentialism, philosophy of mind, phenomenology, ethics) here is a list of questions I, in time, hope to answer: