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Autonomous Vehicle Safety

How will we know autonomous vehicles are trustworthy and safe? How does the government approve a vehicle for a particular category? Is there independent review? Can it be broken down and easily understandable so regular people can compare vehicles side by side? Until that happens all we can do is wait and see. Eventually we will have statistics on vehicle collisions, injuries/fatalities, etc and which autonomous cares are best.

Autonomous Category Year First Available Delay from First Available Year Safe to Purchase Top Speed
L3 2019 5yrs 2024 37mph
L3 tbd 5yrs tbd 60-80mph
L4 tbd 10yrs tbd tbd
L5 tbd 15yrs tbd tbd
  1. See this page for a good description of autonomous vehicle categories.
  2. This is based on Audi's production vehicle availability