I wrote the original architectonic to structure and order the entirety of my philosophical beliefs. There is also have a grander goal of structuring and ordering the entirety of philosophical thought by encapsulating every thought concept into an outline. An architectonic. It's not easy, there are a lot of concepts that are similar or overlap and for every positive concept there is also a negative concept that might be left out of an outline like this. I updated it periodically for a couple of years but for the most part the list of new concepts that were not integrated grew larger and larger while the architectonic improved much more slower rate (albeit it did improve quite a bit). I have decided that a new architectonic is in order so I have archived the original post and begun a new one here. The primary change is deepening the hierarchy by introducing an extra level. I hope this will capture more concepts more succinctly and with more clarity.
Updated on 2/17/2017.
- Agency
- Consciousness
- Awareness
- Openness to Experience
- Facing the truth/Facing Reality
- Knowledge
- Knowledge of Self
- Knowledge of the Universe
- Attention to Detail
- Morality
- Ethics
- Categorical Imperative
- Moderation
- Virtue
- Freedom From the Past
- Resent (Forgiving Those That Have Hurt You)
- Guilt (Forgiving Yourself for Hurting Others)
- Shame (Acceptance of the Past)
- Freedom From the Future
- Resource Competition (Jealousy/Envy)
- Living Without Fear (Fear)
- Acceptance of the Future (Anxiety)
- Autonomy
- Responsibility
- Self-Ownership
- Balance
- Not Playing the Victim
- Not Blaming Others
- Independence
- Individuality
- Willful
- No Coercion
- Resilience
- Grit (Inner-Strength)
- Endurance
- Discipline (Self-Control)
- Make Lemonade out of Lemons
- Respect
- Equality
- Human Rights
- Civil Rights
- Equality before All
- Integrity
- Physical and Mental
- Value System
- Assertiveness
- Dignity
- Accomplishment
- Heart
- Goals
- Flow
- Focus
- Well Being
- Care
- Homeostasis (Self-Care)
- Meta
- Strategy
- Skills
- Logic
- Tools
- Philosophical End
- Excellence
- Completeness
- Consistency/Harmony
This is as far as I've gotten in life. Other things to include someday:
- Acceptance
- Self-Appraisal
* moral worth
+ good
+ legitimacy
* objective worth
+ value/utilitarian
+ aesthetic
- Self-Approval
* Mercy
+ forgiveness
+ kindness
+ benevolence
* Care
+ acceptance
+ unity
- Self-Esteem
* self-respect
+ recognition: dignity, agency, individuality, equality
+ evaluative: standards, boundaries, appraisal
* self-assuredness
+ personal identity: beliefs, values, boundaries
+ self-awareness: feelings, reasoning
+ self-trust: ability/credibility, strength, reliability
- Not Having Expectations of Things or People
- Accepting Your Circumstances
- Acknowledging What You Can Do Well
- Approving of Yourself Regardless the circumstances
- Is it okay to accept those who do not meet your standards 100%?
- Balancing the ideal perfect self with the actual self, the obtainable
- Death
- Gratitude
- Sadness
- Hope
- Authenticity
- Security
- Living an Authentic Life
- Living What You Believe
- Abolish the Ego
- Trust and Safety
- Congruency, integrity, transparency, vitality
- Aesthetics
- Art
- History
- Taste
- Beauty
- Narrative
- Personal Brand
- Reputation
- Advertising / Symbolism
- Divinity
- Awe/Transcendence/Wonder
- Joy
- Liberation
- Serenity/Calmness
- Centered
- Balance
- Sublime
- Other selves; other minds
- Treat others as ends not means
- Develop Long Term Relationships
- Live to help others, not yourself.
- Benevolence
- Love
- Sexuality
- Society
- Service to others / charity
- Care
- Relationship between government and society
- Citizenship (Relationship between government and self)
- Relationship between society and self
- Also Family, other groups
- Politics
- What I Don't Know I Don't Know
I've created a map of the tree: