
  1. The only real power is force (including coercion)
  2. The only good power is respect
  3. All other power is by agreement or convention

Law Spectrum

Thoughts on different ways societies deal with crime. Their general disposition. Needs some work, especially at the ends. Particularly since I am not sure what the x-axis indicates.

A Part of the Music

First there was the sound of the instrument, and it was thought that is all there was to music.

Then songs were composed and the song became a part of music.

Then songs became segments of larger works and these compositions became a part of music.

Then the musicians (and conductors) gave music their own interpretation and the performances they made became a part of music.

Then the studio was invented and now the treatment of the instrument and how music was produced and recorded became a part of music.


Strategies For Thinking And Reasoning

Compiling a list of methods for problem solving and of thinking of all types.

Life On Other Planets

I watched a documentary on the prospects of life on other planets. There was a lot of discussion about what are the necessary conditions for life. At first I was skeptical but after some thought I think I largely agree.

I took some notes during the video:

Stable System

  • Stable star (i.e. no large bursts/castoffs)
  • Stable and somewhat slow orbit
  • Post bombardment

Comfortable Environment

Balancing Needs with Copyright Duration

Because this is the year of the copyright and also because I have been fascinated in freedom of information I wanted to take a look at current US policy and visit, just a little, the debate between the desire for openness and freedom to appropriate and the desire to protect and monetize things which people/corporations developed and in many cases put forth considerable effort in time or money to develop.

Short of developing a theory, to which I have little to add, I sketched up what I think is a very succinct summary of the issue:

A New Web Data Management Strategy

It occurred to me that if I have a tool to manage tracking and another for invasive ads, then why can't I have even more tools to augment what I already have to provide a safer, more productive experience. I tried to establish what tools are necessary and whether or not they currently exist. I did my best to arrange them in a hierarchy.

Spans of Time

Thinking is often so short sighted. How do we think longer term?

What I have been experimenting with is pausing once or twice a day, or when I'm between things to reflect on where I'm at.

I try to consider perspective on different time scales, to formulate my decision making around longer scales of time.

For example:

Architectonic 2019

I wrote the original architectonic to structure and order the entirety of my philosophical beliefs and to some extent sense of self and person.

There is also have a grander goal of structuring and ordering the entirety of philosophical thought by encapsulating every thought concept into an outline. An architectonic. I hope I can accomplish this with total clarity.


World Sustainability Plan

Moved by the Pope's Encyclical a few years ago, I've established my own sustainability plan. I've also been inspired recently by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development's 17 Sustainable Development Goals so much that I've decided to rewrite my sustainability plan in context of those goals.


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