Beersworth Chart

How much are you really drinking? How much alcohol is in that 7oz pour of stout? Did you just hammer a bomber of IPA and want to know what you've gotten yourself into? Use this chart to find out.

1 beer = 12oz @ 5%

(And just for kicks a 16oz pour of Firestone-Walker Union Jack is also added.)

Love Language

At the behest of a friend I took the "Love Language" test. It is an attempt to score how one expresses love and (without awareness of such) how one expects to be loved (iow how they feel loved).

The results:

7 Words of Affirmation
10 Quality Time
1 Receiving Gifts
4 Acts of Service
8 Physical Touch

Each has a maximum score of 12 points.

Ontology of Ontologies

Over the years of my reading philosophy I've always kept a basic "epistemology of philosophical knowledge" in my head as a way to organize all knowledge. But several difficulties arise:

  1. Is it comprehensive, covering all philosophical knowledge?
  2. Does it cover all knowledge? If not does it provide hooks to provide or expose a way to organize all knowledge?
  3. Is it authoritative or just bull? I just made it up to track everything I've learned.
  4. Is it useful or functional?

Statistics in Engineering: Summary (Part 8 of 8)

This series is aimed at providing tools for an electrical engineer to gain confidence in the performance and reliability of their design. The focus is on applying statistical analysis to empirical results (i.e. measurements, data sets).

We've covered the basic methods of applying statistics to your design and verification environment. Now let's present them all together and discuss what method is most suited for a particular circumstance.

Statistics in Engineering: Statistical Process Control (Part 7 of 8)

This series is aimed at providing tools for an electrical engineer to gain confidence in the performance and reliability of their design. The focus is on applying statistical analysis to empirical results (i.e. measurements, data sets).

Now that we are familiar with all the basic statistical methods we can look at using them in the manufacturing space to monitor a process for error.

Statistics in Engineering: Analysis of Variance (Part 6 of 8)

This series is aimed at providing tools for an electrical engineer to gain confidence in the performance and reliability of their design. The focus is on applying statistical analysis to empirical results (i.e. measurements, data sets).

This article will demonstrate analysis of variance to analyze the results of a design of experiment (DOE).

Statistics in Engineering: Correlation (Part 5 of 8)

This series is aimed at providing tools for an electrical engineer to gain confidence in the performance and reliability of their design. The focus is on applying statistical analysis to empirical results (i.e. measurements, data sets).

This article will introduce the concept of correlation on a data set using the R Project software.

Statistics in Engineering: Hypothesis Testing Table Data (Part 4 of 8)

This series is aimed at providing tools for an electrical engineer to gain confidence in the performance and reliability of their design. The focus is on applying statistical analysis to empirical results (i.e. measurements, data sets).

This article will show step by step how to determine if one variable is dependent on a second variable. This method is useful when you are counting data and presenting it in table form.

Statistics in Engineering: Hypothesis Testing (Part 3 of 8)

This series is aimed at providing tools for an electrical engineer to gain confidence in the performance and reliability of their design. The focus is on applying statistical analysis to empirical results (i.e. measurements, data sets).

Statistics in Engineering: Estimators (Part 2 of 8)

This series is aimed at providing tools for an electrical engineer to gain confidence in the performance and reliability of their design. The focus is on applying statistical analysis to empirical results (i.e. measurements, data sets).

This article will introduce linear regression on a data set using the R Project software. This is useful if your data is "on a line" rather than a Gaussian distribution.


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