How I Spend Every Day

I lead a pretty structured life. You'd think all that discipline would be productive but I am currently debugging why most of my goals for 2018 are unfinished.

Besides eating, sleeping, working and traveling (for which I reserve 2+8+8+2=20hrs) this is how I spend part of every day:


Rugged Watch Selection

I've long wanted two things for my wardrobe: first a dress watch. Simple, classy, elegant, not too large. Second, a dive watch. Something that is more technical or sporty, but not too utilitarian or a "tool watch". In this article I'd like to explore the idea of a well made, well performing, classy, dive (or maybe aviation) watch with a bezel. I am curious to see what's available and what my expectations are for accuracy, looks and style and price point.


Does Aesthetics Go Far Enough?

I've been thinking about some newer philosophical questions of late and I cannot seem to find literature about the subject. Part of the problem is that I lack the vernacular to know what to ask about or search for online. I could not be wrong but these are not narrow questions, they seem to be almost entirely neglected thus far. Perhaps even more interestingly I think they fall under aesthetics in a way that makes the entire historical catalog of material thin and superficial by merely posing these questions.


Philosophy of Attitude.

I have been thinking lately about how to live. Your day to day life, moment to moment. What should I think and feel when I wake in the morning. What should my attitude be through the day. With what disposition should I approach obstacles in life, or just life's events. And I had no answer. And I realized I have been negligent here, without agency around myself in a spectacularly important way. Probably the most fundamental way: attitude.


Cultural Appropriation

I was asked recently if something they did was cultural appropriation. And I instantly replied, "I don't believe in cultural appropriation. It's bullshit." Having had a moment to collect my thoughts here's why.

Hot Glass Resources

Reference for hot glass resources.

wip: Bench Tools, Metal Foil/Gilding/Enamel/Other Tools, Hot Shop Equipment, Cold Shop Equipment, Online Shops, COE, Instruction, batch and color recipes
wip Bench Tools: punties, pipes, pi dividers, torches, blocks, paddles, sheers, protective gear


Music Stats

I pulled my Amarok music database data to see what kind of things I could learn about my music collection. I imported a CSV into google sheets and from there it was quite easy. If I ever pull new data I can paste it in and it will automatically generate new graphs.



Data Science Tool Comparison

I have several new goals in my professional life:

  • increase my productivity substantially
  • communicate my points powerfully and clearly
  • increase the quality of my work through insight

The only way to do this is to a) significantly increase the amount of calculations and b) automate detection and presentation of that data. To do this I need data science tools that are flexible, scalable and fast to use.

So I ran a comparison of everything that is relevant to my work and these are the flows I came up with:

What is Music?

There are many different sounds people have intentionally created.. music of course being the one that comes to mind. But others are used for signaling or for something utilitarian, usually guidance through something like a religious or military ceremony.


Personal Finance Software

I have been using KMyMoney for almost 10 years. It never occurred to me until recently that there might be something new, something better. Is there? What could they offer that KMyMoney does not? I've always considered KMyMoney to be pretty good, let's see what these solutions can do.



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